in badminton, can the birdie hit the line

in badminton, can the birdie hit the line

We play Badminton every day, and we employ lots of birdies along the line. You may wonder, "Why is information technology called a "baboon?" You're not alone. Scores of people want to know the origin of the word "birdie" and why it'south and then popular with badminton. So, in this article, we'll tell you lot why and almost all that you lot need to know about the Birdie.

So why is it called baboon in badminton? It is called a birdie because the ball, which is more like a cork and smacked around with a racquet, has feathers held downward into a base. In addition to the feather and cork design, it looked like a cone with the feathers — both natural and synthetic – shooting out at the anterior end. And while it is smacked about, it gives an impression of a bird in flight.

The unique configuration of the baboon gives it stability while in the air. Its design — which optimizes speed – inspired the creation of SpacecraftOne in the Us.

badminton birdie

The Duke of Beaufort and others who introduced the game to the western world would chuckle at the new noun used to ascertain the game. All thanks to them, the old reality of the game transformed that passion into a mod competitive sport, enjoyed by thousands all over the globe.

Birdie? Say That Again!

You, like me, have probably wondered where and how on earth does a birdie find relevance in badminton where the ball doesn't even touch the ground; unlike golf, where the baboon is commonplace and the golf ball, of form, is smacked around on the green turf.

The birdie which is as well chosen a shuttle, bird, birdie or a shuttlecock, is struck in midair by two or more players. You tin can play solitary too! Just similar any sport with a goal to go on the brawl in the air, it is not especially evident how "birdie" substituted for "shuttlecock" and when.

At the Rio Olympics of 2016, thousands of shuttlecock made by Yonex were used at the event. To recall that each i was made from a unique Portuguese base of operations cloth and xvi freshly plucked feathers from the Chinese geese are perhaps, unbelievable.  Only it'due south true.

Some people have said the feathers around the base is reminiscent of a bird. Others concluded that its wheezing motion to and fro like a shuttle is why it'southward called a birdie. Whatever you choose to call it, the birdie literally keeps y'all on your toes while being cascaded in different colors.

Birdie Colors

Playing your favorite badminton sport while hitting the birdie to effect means that you are well enlightened of the environs. The obvious reality that a birdie or shuttle comes in different shades means that your color preferences could spell doom or success and reduce or increment your chances of winning in a competitive set.

Your surroundings play a huge role in determining how the baboon travels when struck and how much of the birdie you run across during a set.

Types Of Birdies

feather vs plastic

Shuttles are either feathers or synthetics. When you desire to choose a shuttle, yous should consider both possibilities. More often than not, feather shuttles are used by professionals – or those who experience similar badminton stars, playing the game religiously.

Plume birdies

These birdies are usually white. In some cases – depending on the brand – the cork holding the feathers often has a different color. Information technology has created confusion a lot of times where people think the plume birdies are not entirely white.

The feathers are not usually white as other colors can be reproduced through dying.

Claim of plume shuttles

  • Spins faster where you can smack it under inconvenient and tight areas.
  • As a issue of its angular dimension, it flips amend where y'all exercise the freedom to accept decisive net shots and quick serves.
  • Information technology is lighter.
  • When in the air, it's motility is smoother, and touch is more solid.
  • It has a sleek-crisp feeling against the racket, which allows y'all to take swift chops and net slices.

However, feather shuttles are prone to impairment and require abiding replacement.

Plastic Birdies

As far as it goes, plastic shuttles have satisfied a massive marketplace of teeming badminton true-blue. Anybody cannot accept the expensive goose-feather shuttlecock; hence, y'all can opt for this type with its unique features.

Plastic birdies are synthetics – based on the materials used. But that's not the edge to it. You tin choose from plastic and nylon birdies. Keep in mind though that your pick affects the game experience in court.

The best brands out there that can cater to your needs are Mais 2000 and Ashaway Bird 2. These brands offering the best standard relative to others – in my personal stance. You tin can e'er bank check other products and encounter what they offer.

Merits Of Plastic Birdies

  • Quite durable where you do non accept to be concerned about constant hard-smack against the wall or racket.
  • The fact that it is readily available ways that y'all tin take several – both plastic and nylon – and examination your wits.
  • The speed can be tailored to your preferences without putting a hole in your pocket.
  • It is heavier – an advantage for a greenhorn – who are just learning the basics of badminton and has non adjusted to the intensity of the game.
  • It is suitable for people – old and immature – to fire some calories and only have a good fourth dimension.

However, yous may be unlucky to find what you are looking for because lower-quality plastic birdies exist too. And it tin can be really frustrating – to be honest. Please note that the quality of the polymer or material – around the cork and skirt – determines the shelf life of your shuttle and how much speed you tin play with. So, if you choose to go for plastic birdies, it is recommended that you lot invest in more durable ones. Though, they may be pricier.

What Are The Dominant Colors?

For synthetic birdies particularly, there are three generic colors in competitive sport — blue, light-green, and cerise. These colors signify both speed and weight variances.

Information technology does not have annihilation away from your fun. It all depends on your preference and what you detect comfortable. For popular brands, there is a consensus or standard as far every bit colors are concerned. Blue is the slowest, green is the center basis, and Red is the fastest.

Given that at that place is a vast market for badminton accessories, you volition discover a wider array of colors.

However, as a general standard, almost all badminton players today – both professional and aspiring professionals – use the white-colored birdie.

Shuttlecock Colors Affect Performance

Depending on what you like, colors tin hamper or improve your game.

For case, a xanthous shuttlecock — the synthetic blazon with safety feathers — is a wrong choice when you're playing outdoors; it tends to get lost in the light and may hinder you from enjoying your badminton session.

While xanthous, black, and white shuttlecocks may not be quite useful for playing outdoors, they are quite unlike indoors. Against the walls, the Birdie'south movement is extraordinary. Information technology's like switching to a different theme where y'all feel a splurge equally your birdie strikes the surface of the wall.

How Can I Heighten My Game With Colorful Birdies?

You can play with birdies of different colors for proper effect, especially confronting walls designed with sodium lights. This feel is best felt in special gyms and indoor facilities.

If you lot are wondering how to exercise all these because you struggle with playing with different shades since they all look the same to you; information technology'south maybe helpful to ask a colleague to cull colorful birdies for you.

Afterwards that, you can play around with them and discover the ones you're more comfortable with.

While a range of birdie colors exist in the marketplace, information technology is pertinent that you lot understand the design behind them.

Colors are just a fraction of the whole package. From a higher perspective, birdies are designed to optimize your grooming — as a professional and amateur — and improve your concentration, which is quite impossible without speed.

Birdie Speed

Birdies clock speeds up to xc.0 grand/due south (201mph) with a precise whack from a racquet. In the yr 2013, Tan Boon Heong and Lee Chong Wei, both from Malaysia, broke the Guinness Earth Tape for fastest birdie hitting at  306.three mph (493 kph) and  283.3 mph (456 kph) respectively.

Putting it in perspective, nosotros are talking well-nigh the lightning speed that leaves a Eurostar railroad train — clocking a measly 83.3 m/due south (186.4mph) — in its trails. While these statistics contributed to why a shuttle is called a baboon, some people want birdies that tin get much faster.

I Have Speed But Demand More

In addition to the out-of-this-world speed potential, the shape of your shuttle adds to the mystery of the birdie.

The fact is, the shape allows it to remain steady while soaring — what physicists call aerodynamics — in the air.

Perhaps, yous'd be surprised to know that the zipper of 16 goose feathers to a cork weighing between iv.74 and 5.l grams could render information technology equally a huge projectile potential that leaves a train abaft behind. This might sound ridiculous, but it'due south truthful.

How Tin I Identify The Velocity Measurement Of A Birdie?

You really take to know your manufacturer'south rating for your baboon. When heading to the store to selection a shuttle, take it in listen that in that location are only ii standards; the manufacturer'southward speed standard and everybody else's.

Tin I Tweak My Birdie For More Speed?

Unremarkably, Yonex has some speed statistics on the ground for their shuttlecock, but y'all can still stretch the limits when you do something called tipping.

In simple terms, you cutting or trim the edges of the feathers, reducing it to some centimeters.

Less weight means more speed.

Make sure the feathers are the real deal, not a synthetic imitation.

Exercise I Have To Await For The Right Weather?

If you desire to comport an independent experiment to test the speed of your shuttle, starting time, ensure that you are enlightened of the weather conditions in your area.

As I mentioned before, your environs plays a huge office in determining the speed of your birdies. Merely it's nothing serious.

Continue in mind that lighter shuttles or birdies are designed for places where in that location are higher elevations.

You do not have to climb a 200ft. Mountain to exam the speed variance of your baboon relative to the basis. A lilliputian take chances does not hurt if you try.

Only that is cheesy when you lot tin can hit heavier shuttles in more convenience. Heavier birdies travel faster in humid climates — try Due west Africa — with close sea levels. Again, you lot actually exercise not need to travel miles and cross seas to discover the best weather conditions for enjoying a game.

Testing A Birdie For Speed

Information technology is expedient that you know the relevance of something equally arbitrary as whether to your game on the court, whether indoors and outdoors.

On the courtroom, a practical style to test the speed of your birdie is to use a quick underhand strike where the forcefulness of the racquet propels your birdie, landing it at the back-purlieus line.

Remember that a birdie with right speed lands not less than 1.9ft. (0.5m) and a picayune beyond iii.3ft. (1m) at the back-boundary line on the other side.

Another of import criterion is the temperature. When the room temperature is just right, no i tin stop your momentum in the court.


The game of badminton is built for speed. It requires quick feet and a sturdy wrist to strike and sway the happy birdie tin different directions.

While athletes focus more on posture and smash routines, they rarely appreciate the ingenuity that the shuttlecock has brought to the game.

Badminton is a fitness sport that allows yous to acuminate your concrete and mental endurance. All thanks to the thought behind the game.

Aamir Khan said and I quote, "badminton is like ballet dancing. It requires a lot of control, strength, listen play, and measured movement." Therefore, the claiming is wrapped around the idea that the baboon must keep soaring.

in badminton, can the birdie hit the line

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