Yonex Voltric 7 Badminton Racquet

Yonex Voltric 7

Having but completed my review of the astonishing Voltric 80 , I must confess to a feeling of dread reviewing the other two new releases in Voltric range. That's not taking anything abroad from the racquet I am nearly to review. It's just that, having played with the all-time racquet I've ever had the pleasure to use, how do you follow that? Let'due south see…

Voltric 7 was introduced at 2011 All Englands, well-nigh under the shadow of superlative-of-the-range Voltric 80. This, and its stablemate Voltric 5 didn't seem to go a mention. That said, sometimes it's a good thing as the racquet can then merits it'southward place without the large bucks marketing backside it. And that's merely what Voltric 7 does.

The Voltric arrived in a full length bag, which is at present standard for the Voltric range. Yonex take continued to improve on the graphics and this racquet is very striking in crimson, with flashes of white and yellow.

This particular model is only available in 4U (weight 81-85g) in Uk, and grip size G4 which is the smaller of the grip sizes on offer in UK.

The Voltric range is a combination of Armortec, Nanospeed and Arcsaber scientific discipline. And so far it's worked remarkably well on the high end Voltrics. But, what virtually Yonex budget end models? The frame is noticeably thinner all around. At that place's no trace of the bulges every bit we saw on VT70 . In fact, I'd say it'south very like to Nano9900 in frame size.

Residue wise, this is a caput heavy racquet, just certainly not as heavy equally the other high-end Voltrics. I'd say this is very close to the weight on Armortec 900 Power although wouldn't say the weight is all at the top. Potentially it could be a good alternative to AT900 T .

This racquet has a medium flex shaft this fourth dimension which will certainly adapt good club and league players.

Maximum recommended tension on this racquet is 24lbs which appears to be a typical feature of Yonex racquets.

On with the review

I always test racquets straight out of the bag, then in that location's no surprise that the tension on this racquet is around 18lbs mark and very suitable for club and league players, especially those playing with plastic shuttles.

It'south hitting fourth dimension

I tend to favour caput heavy racquets and so at that place's no surprises that this racquet played very nicely. I'm not as well neat on G4 grip sizes but didn't have the fourth dimension to re-build the grip to my liking.

In the power department, clears were effortless, despite the lower tension string. You can still feel the weight in the head however, it's noticeably lighter than VT80. There isn't the power I experienced with VT80, however, allow's be fair, this is half the price. Still, the racquet displayed the usual expected level of consistency which counts for a lot these days.

In my view Voltric range volition soon supervene upon Armortec range of racquets. This made me wonder where VT7 fits in the overall scheme of things. Is it a replacement for AT600, a superb racquet? Information technology's a tough call. Information technology's certainly much meliorate than AT70MG which was a very prissy racquet for the price. Even so, I'd also say it goes one ameliorate than that.

We've established the racquet is pretty powerful although lacking compared to VT80. So, what else does it have to offer?

Every bit usual I asked Marker to thunder a few smashes at me to see how the racquet coped in defence and flat rallies.  The slightly lighter caput really came into play and demonstrated superb speed whenever I required it. The weight in the head still gave me plenty meat to striking with and feel the direction of the racquet simply information technology certainly wasn't a hindrance. Interesting discovery.

Onto the net, and equally expected, the racquet was corking, no issues to report here. It was crisp, it was fast, information technology was controlled, despite the lower tension


OK, I'yard not going to rave virtually this racquet similar I did VT80. Nonetheless, it certainly deserves a place in Voltric range. The more than I thought about the racquet the more I struggled to place it. However, I finally decided it's like a medium flex, mid-head heavy Nano9900. It's got a touch more speed than AT600 without loss of ability. That is saying a lot virtually the racquet because equally readers of my blog volition bear witness, my thoughts about Nano9900 and head low-cal racquets in general accept changed since my seasons experience of using them.

With an RRP of only £80, this has got to be one of Yonex all-time bargains! With online discounters you'll probably pick one upwardly for around £70. Having tested a lot of mid-priced racquets, this has got to be near the top of your list for trying. It's good looking, performs really well in all departments and it's a great price.

If there are whatsoever downsides to this racquet, and so I haven't experienced them. The racquet didn't bowl me over like VT80, however, I'm classing that as a once in a lifetime feel. Equally such, VT7 has done remarkably well to overcome any downers I could have had after my VT80 feel.

So how do I rate this racquet? I compared it to AT600 which I scored 5 stars, compared information technology to Nano9900 which I too rated highly and yet, hither I am wondering why I'm non jumping up and down giving it another five stars? Perhaps I am suffering from VT80 withdrawal symptoms?

After stopping this review for a few moments and taking stock of my thoughts here, I think I am suffering withdrawal symptoms and beingness likewise harsh on the racquet, comparing it to VT80. With that in mind, and taking into consideration all factors, I really have to stick my neck out and say it'due south a wonderful racquet and information technology really deserves my 5 star rating (sorry VT7 for doubting you for a moment).

As with all my reviews, they are based on my personal thoughts on a racquet. My likes and dislikes will not be the same as yours. Also bear in mind my technique, style, concrete build and muscle structure are different so I will always feel a racquet different to y'all.

To sum up, if yous're looking to spend around £eighty for a new racquet, and you lot want your racquet to pack a dial and notwithstanding still be quick in defense and around the net, then this racquet has got to tested. I retrieve information technology'due south the best in Yonex mid-priced range. I'm testing VT5 next and have the feeling this is also going to figure prominently and compete with VT7 for your favour. Spotter out because Voltric is slowly taking over.